New Shade Structure is assembled at the field!

Wonderful new 12x20 Shade Structure... a wonderment for us all!

The usual suspects assembled the new Club purchase… an ARROW 12×20 all-metal shade structure!

Paul Smith, Ben Poole, MT Bob, Gar Bradley, Shawn Lavery, Colton Poole,… and others (sorry if I left you off the list!) assembled the first of what may become FOUR (or more!) 12×20 shade structures for our Field.

Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow…

Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow...

GO, man, go!

Look at all that Shade!

Great work, guys... a new Shade Structure!

Great work, guys… Thank you! 

1 thought on “New Shade Structure is assembled at the field!”

  1. I am in WA State and knew MT Bob was getting the new shade structure yesterday. Seeing photos of members constructing it today, WOW. Thank you everyone, including Eric for the photos and article.

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