President’s Message for February, 2019
Winter is upon Kingman and even the retired, near daily, flyers have reined in activity!!
Chilly/breezy weather has not stopped all flying and certainly has not stopped Golden Eagles growth and development. While we have several pilots flying as guests, they too will soon join the Golden Eagles.
We are proud to welcome as our 15th and newest Business Associate Member: Edward Jones Investments – Matt Ladendecker. Thank you Matt and Team, we look forward to you all visiting the flying site when it warms up a bit.
Ongoing activities include:
- Tony G. continues to refine plans for the drone race course. The research and design considerations are considerable and Tony continues to improve the design indoors with his Whoop drone. Staying warm is good!!
- The Clubhouse/storage building plans progress with V.P. Paul Smith. It should not be long before construction begins. This structure will provide relief from inclement weather, charging stations, and storage.
- Distribution of Model Aviation Magazine is under way so many more Kingmanites are being introduced to the sport and our Golden Eagles.
- Jim Simo was recently submitted to AMA to become an IP (Introductory Pilot). When the weather warms up and we get busy again another IP will be helpful. Thanks Jim.
- Richie C., Dave S., Gar B., and Jim M. brought burnable wood to the field so the chill (without wind) is manageable.
- Montana Bob and I went to the Havasu Desert Hawks Fun Fly and while the weather was iffy, the flying was good and we learned a lot to benefit the Eagles as we grow in our community.
Lee and Kathy Anderson, Ken and Tish Gattorna, Gar and Sally Bradley and Rennie and I went to the HUGE Quartzsite Annual Fun Fly. Even 10+ degrees warmer than Kman mornings it was still chilly. Quartzsite Desert Flyers thought the turnout was light but compared to anything I’ve seen here in Kingman the event was HUGE! Dave Sullivan (Sullivan Products) flew 3D maneuvers we have yet to see from local pilots. Everything – Jets, Safe system Apprentices, giant scale war birds, night flyers, you name it and it was there. A truly enjoyable weekend experience. See the enclosed picture of the flight-line at Quartzsite!
The Andersons, Kathy and Lee, got their picture in the February AMA “Model Aviation” magazine (on page 116) taken of them when they went out to the AMA District X fly-in in Las Vegas! … totally cool!
Hang in there folks, we’ll have some nice flying soon. In the meantime, buy, build, use the simulator or catch up on projects at home because great flying temperatures are just around the corner. See you at the field.