See the Golden Eagles RC Club on our YouTube Channel!
The Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club was founded in late 2017. We moved onto our current flying field in early 2018. In April of that year the members rolled-out our Geotextile runway fabric and we were on our way!
Soon after, we started taking videos and posting them to YouTube. There is a nice collection of videos there featuring drone views of our early “complex” as seen from above. Then, about six months ago, our club president, Eric Reinhart, started shooting videos at the field and editing things together to make entertaining YouTube videos of our antics featuring the voice of Madison as the commentator.
So, just WHO IS Madison??
Eric decided that his own voice didn’t add much interest to his videos. He needed someone “new”.
Using online software, he found an AI TTS (Text-to-Speech) computer generated voice that he named “Madison”. Eric had run a search for “popular baby names in 2003” and also “2005” and found that the name “Madison” was always in the top group of popular names for those years. So “Madison” is an appropriate name for an eighteen- to twenty-something-year-old young lady. Our newest virtual member: Madison. No one has seen her out there at the field… but we do enjoy her voice in the videos!
We need more CRASHES!
YouTubers LOVE seeing model airplane crash videos! The latest video, as of this date, shows Jim Simo’s Corsair crash-landing in slow motion. It is, by far, the most popular video in our club’s history garnering nearly 6000 views in less than a month!
If you watch the video on YouTube you can scroll down and see the many comments that viewers have left for us.
One fellow left us this nice one… and I will leave you with this…
It’s funny how Life can be sometimes. In 1971 my dad got tired of renting a Cessna 150 and bought a Cessna 170A for $4250. Times have changed. We kept it tied down at home, we had 30 acres in SoCal and our dirt strip was 10′ wide and 1300′ long with electric wires/poles about 150′ from the beginning of the runway. I was 5yo back then, couldn’t see out the windshield, nonetheless, flying lessons had started. By the time I was 12yo i was capable of landing at our local airport… on an asphalt runway with dad sitting next to me. I could read a sectional in my sleep and navigate across the Mojave Desert up to Reno using VOR’s and the old coffee grinder radio mounted in front of me.
One day I was jntroduced to rafio controlled airplanes and I was hooked. How hard can it be of you’re already flying a GA aircraft? My first airplane ended up broken 20 seconds into its maiden flight. Some glue and a hot iron fixed it and on its second flight it was demolished within 25 seconds. My parents told me a second airplane was out of the question unless I sought help from the local club. How humiliating I thought.
I built a Q-Tee, powered by a TeeDee .051 with rudder and elevater controls only. Once I soloed that plane, I stepped into a Falcon 56. It was much easier to fly. The Q-Tee was retrofitted with a Cox .09, no throttle. My need for speed had begun. Eventially I got involved in 1/2A and Quickie 500 racing. By then I had joined the club and what made it so awful was that there was 5 of us kids in our early teens under the watchful eye of 40 or so old guys. We’d follow the rules, usually, but nonetheless they still resented us flying WOT down the runway, inverted, 3′ off the deck. Hey, we were young, sharp, we had excellent vision and fast reflexes. The “old guys” built some beautiful airplanes, then eventually would pile ’em into the ground.
Fast forward to today. I watched this video and I noticed the man flying had a white beard, had a beautiful airplane, but he made a simple mistake and fortunately he was lucky. I cannot criticize him because i make simple mistakes now and then too. LOL, I’m slowly becoming one of those “old guys” that prefer to fly a scale aircraft at a scale speed. Out of the 5 Quickie 500’s I built, only #5 is still here with its 72 Mhz radio and K&B 6.5cc motor. Ya, no, it’s a display piece these days. I prefer the relaxing traits of my J-3 Cub with its 82″ wingspan.
For excitement I fly a Decathlon with an 86″ wing. The bigger aircraft are easier to fly but more importantly, they’re easier to see! Out of us 5 young kids with our sharp minds and fast reflexes, two of us put those traits to good use. Myself and one other kid joined the military after college. He joined the Navy and flew F-14’s during Desert Storm. I joined the Marine Corps and flew the AV-8B Harrier. Funny thing is neither one of us knew the other was there until we bumped into one another years later at our local hobby shop, both of us still involved in rc aircraft for the past 45+ years.
My point is… ah Hell, I forgot. Alzheimer’s is creeping up on me. This was just a trip down memory lane. Beautiful Corsair! Fortunately it’ll fly again!