Thank you everyone for making a great Kingman Golden Eagles weekend.
Whether camping or commuting it was a “flying friends” weekend of fun.
The Mass-Launch Glider Contest!

The Glider Endurance Flight was a hoot! I think it was 13 gliders that were all launched at the same moment… chills and thrills… a few crashes… and Bruno outlasted us all with a time of one hour and sixteen minutes. I think his glider had a huge battery that gave him the time advantage… Well Done Bruno!

After the Saturday Glider-Fly, we continued to fun-fly until nearly sunset when Rick Atkeson started to roast the hot dogs… about time! There was a nice potato salad and plenty of chips and dogs. Lots of fun munching on “camp food” with flying friends.
I got a report that the Night Fly was beautiful, even when seen from Rt. 66! “Those six or seven well-lit aircraft really showed up, Spooky!” I know I saw at least one crash… but no one had to drive around in the dark to find his model, as is the usual for these events! Great fun!

Several of us campers stayed the night, Saturday night. Jim Simo and I solved all of the world’s problems while soaking-up adult beverages until well after 9 PM. The weather was delightful throughout the entire weekend.
Breakfast on Sunday morning!
Don Johnson cooked-up a great breakfast for the Sunday morning “Warbird Landing Competition”. Scrambled eggs, soft-cooked bacon, hashedbrowns and grits and biscuits. And Mrs. Bradley brought a delicious zucchini bread… so pleasant and tasty! Jim Simo purchased a new electric coffee urn so there was plenty of nice coffee all morning long.
Shawn’s Birthday Celebration…
We had been expecting that Shawn Lavery would be out there this morning. We had a birthday cake ready for him but, sadly, Shawn was feeling a bit under the weather and was unable to come out. All of us got together for a group photo of the warbirds and the cake… and we wished Shawn a Happy Birthday! … I cut him a piece of cake and wrapped it for transport… and then the rest of us enjoyed his birthday cake… Happy Birthday, Shawn!
Click that large picturte below to see the full-size image!

The Warbird Landing Challenge was very competitive!
I was the first to take-off in the Warbird landing event… me and my A-26 Invader twin-engine model. The flight went well but I dropped the model hard at landing with the sound of wood snapping! I was able to taxi to safety but, I think my landing was the worst of the day!

After a fat hour of warbird landings, Jim Simo and Fontana Stan competed in a landing fly-off with Jim earning the win.

The fun-flying day just kept on going. At about 12:30, with everything cleaned-up, we locked the gate.
Thank you, everyone, for the great weekend!
Fun, Family and Friends… WOW, What a weekend!