We did it! … After only FOUR YEARS, we got a runway work-team together to rehab the two 600-foot-long seams in our Runway!

It all worked out… we had a great turnout with thirteen or fourteen guys showing up… and most ALL of them got right to work! Montana Bob and I (Eric… I brought the doughnuts…) got started with the tar ASAP… there was quite a hub-bub with using the brooms to break-up the old dirt crust from the seams and then using the Leaf-Blowers to blow-away the dirt… I never saw so many men with leaf-blowers! There was also quite a time with pounding-in new ground-staples to close the open seams and generally tune-up the whole 1200-feet (2×600) of seams! … The tar seemed to work pretty easily and we guys “pushing tar” often had to wait for the seam clean/staple/blower guys or, heck, even, help them! … THEN we spent quite awhile stapling and tarring-over or even patching the myriad of prop-cuts out there in the “blacktop”. (I keep saying we need to charge five-bucks each when somebody slices the runway… think of the money we’d raise!)
A special thanks to our FAST-PHIL for taking all of the pictures! … Sorry we didn’t get pictures of everyone, but Phil was busy WORKING most of the time!

Montana Bob… who… though he denies it, completely… is the ring-leader of the whole event… WHO bought the tar and the supplies we needed for the day… WHO swore for the last couple o’ weeks that he’d not get anywhere NEAR the tar stuff, and yet was the first one to touch it? WHO got the most tar ON himself? … WHO made a “tar run” when we discovered we needed more? … BOB works his butt-off for us all year long… “not gonna do it” but is there to DO IT all the same.
Thanks for ALL you do for us, Bob!
(BTW… Bob has been our “Outhouse Maintenance Technician” since the club was founded in late 2017… and he has been asking me to find him an assistant who can “learn the trade” and so replace him as the OMT. When he leaves that position we will be in deep doo-doo if we don’t have his replacement! PLEASE consider the job and talk to MT Bob about it… There’s more to it than it looks, a bit to learn about it… THANKS, AGAIN, BOB!

THE PREZ… caught actually DOING some WORK!
I was on the field at about 6:01 AM… and was nearly the last to arrive!
(I brought the doughnuts…)
We had the runway seam-work about done before 9 AM and then finished patches and divot-filling well before 10 AM. … A very successful day!

I figure that in ANOTHER FOUR YEARS we can do it again! 
And, thanks to Eric, we had DONUTS!!