Dan came in through the gate with his dues-in-hand, paid up… and then started flying Boyd’s old Apprentice like he knew what he was doing! … I had two batteries with me and Pauly had several more… and a charger… and Dan stuck around, flying that thing, even in the BLOWING wind, until it was time to lock the gate… about noon-time. He is learning to be a good pilot… I expect we will see him out there often!

Pauly! … Bam!

Pauly’s nitro model was a little small… and it looked REALLY small as it flew away from us, headed towards town! I think he was trying to trim it but then it got a bit too far away. I am always telling the newbies: “You gotta keep it close… You can’t fly ’em if you can’t see ’em.” I think it was far, enough, away that Pauly lost his orientation. I understand that the model made quite a CRATER! … it took THREE searches to find the wreckage; it was WAY out there!

Eric, Thank you for the near weekly updates and photos. Unfortunately, some of us flyers are less available during this virus period but your updates are greatly appreciated!!
Jon Wilson
Eric thank you for the article about my returning back to the club , nice write up.