OCTOBER 19, 2024…

Coming on October 19, 2024... Shawn Lavery Memorial Open House and Fl;y-in!


was a huge Success!

See the STORY and ALL of the Pics!

Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club July 6th event: Biplanes over Kingman

See us on YouTube!

See the Kingman Golden Eagles on YouTube!

CLICK that PICTURE to see us on YouTube! or CLICK HERE to see the whole write-up!
(Just who IS Madison?… ?)

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New video on the Golden Eagles YouTube page…

new video on the Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club, Inc YouTube Channel!

September 9th was a Saturday with wonderful RC flying weather. The club members turned out to enjoy the day. Eric took his new-to-him Canon PowerShot S5 IS camera and shot a bunch of short video segments of the day’s action. He put it all together along with a monologue featuring the voice of our digital mascot, Madison Eagleschick, an AI text-to-voice creation. SEE THE VIDEO… Enjoy!

We say Good Bye to Shawn with a Celebration of Life

RIP Shawn Lavery; so glad to have known you... and thank you for everything!

Good bye, Shawn. Thank you for everything!
Good bye, Shawn. Thank you for everything!

Enjoy our Celebration: see all the pictures and the video!

We DID it: “4th of July on the First” Swap Meet!

What a day! HOT and plenty of visitors! FUN!

READ all about it!

Don't Miss our Sawp Meet and RC Fly in!

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Jim Milner has been taking pictures!

Kingman Golden Eagles photographer Jim Milner

Jim Milner hasbeen taking pictures all year and he has sent me some that I have simply held-on to. I figured I’d better publish a few!

CLICK THIS LINK to see them all!

Thanks for the great photos, Jim!

The Glider Endurance Fly – Warbird Landing Competition Weekend was wonderful fun!

Gliders, Hot Dogs, Night-Fly, Breakfast, Warbirds and Birthday Cake!

The Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club's Warbird Event.

We had a blast out there in the desert on Saturday and Sunday, September 24th and 25th. There was food, friends, lots of flying, a few crashes, many beautiful model airplanes, and a group-feeling of camaraderie that I don’t experience anywhere else!

See all of the pictures and the full write-up!

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The crew is working in the late-June sun!

I think it was actually almost FUN! … First time in four years that we got out all the tools and got the job done!


The April 2nd OPEN HOUSE EVENT… a big success!

The Golden Eagles RC Club OPEN HOUSE Poster

February 19, 2022… just another beautiful day out there… with some of us a little more excited about the little things… !

Club President, Eric, LOVES those doughnuts!

READ the whole story…

President’s Message:
Let’s go cheering loudly into 2022!

The Club’s incorporation is now complete…

We are the Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club, Inc. … an Arizona non-profit corporation. This status makes us a legal entity, not just a group of guys. The Golden Eagles can work with the community and our sponsors as a “business”, as the corporation. We are able to accept donations and bequests… we are able to MAKE donations (with the approval of our voting members) to the local projects and entities we support. Becomng an Arizona non-profit…

READ the whole story…

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We are on the MAP… Google just updated their Satellite View of our Airport!

Google Satellite View of the Golden Eagles Flying Field!

The OLD image was notable because it was taken on April 24th, 2018… I could TELL that because we were only half-done rolling-out the Geotextile runway material in that picture… but we did it ALL on that day… so that pic must have been snapped on that day.

NOW we can see our “runway complex” in all its glory… except the newest shade structure is not in this picture. We will have to wait around for ANOTHER three years for the next update!

See the latest Google Map of our area.

— Eric

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Bruno and Rick create a wing-launching Catapult for the Club!

Rick and Bruno create a flying-wing catapult launcher for the Club!

This thing really works!

See all the pics and read all about it!

We are starting-off the New Year…
… in a BIG WAY!

It looks like, when the dust settles, we will have FORTY club members signed-up before the end of January! … Making us the largest RC flying club in the area!

The weather is unusually warm and dry for being so early in the year… but that means: GREAT FLYNG WEATHER!

Come out to the field and get in few flights before “the freeze” returns!!

— Eric Reinhart, President
Golden Eagles RC Club

“GLIDER DAY” on Saturday 10/24/20…
… HUGE turnout!

The Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club held a "GLIDER DAY" on Saturday 10/24/20

GLIDERS… HOT DOGS… BoomBox playing too loud…
…a great day!

See all of the pictures! … lots of happy fliers!

The FOURTH of July Get-Together

Saturday was the Fourth of July… and we had a good-sized turn-out… plenty of food, plenty of brass band music, and a fun get-together for our members… and a glorious WARBIRD photo…

Read all about the Fourth of July Event…

The “Taj Mahal”…

MT Bob and Gar build the new shed... the "Taj Mahal"
The “Taj Mahal”… built from bits and pieces, designed on the fly… scrap lumber and stout hearts… Thank you Gar, MT Bob and Jack-2!!

Read all about the new shed…

New “Peanut Gallery” Seating
…Two new benches!

Pauly … “Crazy Pauly” delivered the two benches that he and Dan had put together. Shawn had donated the two “Bench Kits”… MT Bob and Pauly used the club debit-card to purchase the wood and paint… and Pauly and Dan put the benches together.

Pauly designated the ONE bench as the “Vista Grande”, being red-white-blue… and the other: “Evolution” … too funny! Thanks, Pauly… Thank you, Dan!

When the wind settles-down, I look forward to hearing the peanut-gallery comments coming from those old guys on the bench! and… with all of our benches, we can support PLENTY of peanuts!

May 9th, 2020… A great day!
… 3rd Shade-structure installed!

Fun… Friends… and even some Flyin’!


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A President’s Message…
Thank you for donations during these hard times!

In the middle (I hope it’s the middle) of these Coronavirus self-quarantine days, some of us are still flying and enjoying our hobby. It’s great to see my friends out there… and great that the Club is still prospering, still growing. We owe a great big THANK YOU to the many flyers who are keeping our spirits high and the flying field busy!


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First flyin’ day of 2020: Saturday 1-4-2020

LOTS of us had fun out there… it was a beautiful day… but Pauly?? … not so much.

First Flyin' Day of 2020... Pauly had a little trouble...
First Flyin’ Day of 2020… Pauly had a little trouble with his “Mini-Me!” trainer…


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Rick Atkeson awarded “Most Improved Pilot” for 2019!

Rick Atkeson earns the 2019 "Most Improved Pilot" Award!

Rick Atkeson, newly elected Treasurer for year 2020, received the “Most Improved Pilot” Award. Rick has “grown” a lot this year. Building, testing, and flying new models… and introducing new pilots to the sport… Rick has become a confident flyer and is a strong advocate for the Golden Eagles RC Club and for our RC model aircraft hobby.

Congratulations, Rick! … Can’t wait to see what you’ll be flying next!

Congrats! to New Officers for 2020!

These new officers will take the stick as of January 1st, 2020…

  • Eric Reinhart – President
  • David Duke – Vice President
  • Ben Poole – Secretary
  • Rick Atkeson – Treasurer
  • MT Bob Kuntz – Safety Coordinator

Congratulations, you guys!  … you are cleared for take-off!

EAA Fly-in 10-19-19… WE were there!

Good show! … The Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club was at the event “in force”!  Plenty of Club members were on-hand to help with the event set-up… and many of us were there to meet and greet and share our model aircraft hobby with the public. SEE THE WHOLE STORY… ! … and the short video!

B-17 Sentimental Journey at the EAA fly-in in Kingman, 10-10-19.

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President’s Message 9/14/19

Thank you for allowing me the honor to serve as President of the Golden Eagles RC Club. We AMA Chartered in November 2017 and never looked back. Now, as Kingman’s largest AMA Club comprising Business Supporters and an ever growing membership, we/you have justifiable reasons to be proud of your Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club.

READ the entire President’s Message

A new shade structure erected at the field…

A new shade structure is assembled at the Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club field!

A new shade structure is assembled at the Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club field!

… Thanks guys!!

See the story and all the pics!

Eric’s Astro Hog build……
New pics!

Eric's Sig Astro Hog build - new photos!

See the new Astro Hog build pics!

… was real FUN! …

CLICK HERE to see all of the pictures!

President’s Message / Invitation March 24,2019

Saturday, April 6th, 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Celebrating ONE YEAR of flying on our field!
We’ll be serving Hot Coffee and Bakery Goods…
Mark your Calendar …Don’t miss it!

BEAUTIFUL Day, today… Big turnout… LOTS of pictures…

READ the President’s Message for March… see the pics!

The Golden Eagles Clubhouse/Education Center is well under way!

https://goldeneaglesrcclub.com/the-golden-eagles-clubhouse-education-center-is-well-under-way/A huge “Thank you” to V.P. Paul Smith for drawing the plans for… and then constructing… our new clubhouse building!

As of this writing, Paul and Zack… with an occasional hand from Jon, Boyd, MT Bob, and the usual cast of characters, out there!… has the foundation blocks placed, the floor built, the wall frames erected, the windows in place and the siding going on! … The building is 12×24 feet… funny how it looks small standing out there, by itself… but when you step inside, you find plenty of space for a Board meeting, a coffee-klatch, or a flight-simulator demonstration.

READ the whole story… see all the pics!

FAA issues new Rule: FAA No. REQUIRED on OUTSIDE of your aircraft.

READ the whole memo from the AMA…
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President’s Message – February

Winter is upon Kingman and even the retired, near daily, flyers have reined in activity!!

Chilly/breezy weather has not stopped all flying and certainly has not stopped Golden Eagles growth and development. While we have several pilots flying as guests, they too will soon join the Golden Eagles.

We are proud to welcome as our 15th and newest Business Associate Member: Edward Jones Investments – Matt Ladendecker. Thank you Matt and Team, we look forward to you all visiting the flying site when it warms up a bit.

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FAA registration is Required.

Just a reminder for Pilots of RC Model Airplanes and Drones:

As a sanctioned AMA Club, the Golden Eagles RC Club is not required to enforce FAA registration… but the Federal Government, the FAA, requires all RC pilots to purchase a registration number from the FAA… $5 for three years, I think… and, like having your AMA number noted inside each of your models, we are required to have that FAA registration number on each of our aircraft. … There are a few types of models that are exempt, but almost all we fly out at the field needs to have that FAA number on it.


READ the whole article… 

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Jack-2 Carter made his solo flight on Friday, Dec. 14, 2018

Jack-2 had learned to fly RC back in the late ’80’s… and then dropped the hobby, until Now!

Working with Shawn and Jon since October, he quickly re-learned how to fly RC.


Big Congrats to Jack-2 Carter!

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Nitro Trainer Update: Rick Atkeson enjoys Heavier-than-Foamie experience!

Rick Atkeson experiences heavier-that-foamie flight on the buddy-box with Eric Reinhart!

Rick volunteered to fly Eric’s nitro trainer on buddy-box with him, today. We connected the trainer-cable between my modern Futaba 8J radio and the old Futaba Flysport radio that MT Bob supplied me with a few weeks ago…. tested the Trainer Switch… and away we flew!

See the pics… Read the full story!

Our Rich Caringi made his Solo Flight today!

Rich Caringi flies his solo flight on November 18, 2018!

Congratulations, Jon, for graduating another RC flyer! … and

Congratulations, Rich! … Well done!
READ all about it… see the pictures!

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Golden Eagle member Bill Cullis Made his Solo Flight today!

Golden Eagle member Bill Cullis Made his Solo Flight today!

Bil is FINE… his Apprentice?… a little less so! … but Bill held it together long enough to get through his solo flight today, October 20th… and it looks like that model will last a bit longer, still.

See the pictures and the Story… Congratulations, Bill!

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PAULY!… Solos his Nitro Trainer!

Boyd Hunt was able to train this eager student… teaching him how to fly a nitro trainer… not one of those modern little styrofoam gyro-engaged electronic gadgets, no!… a good old-fashioned heavy-weight nitro-burnin’ white-smokin’ oil-throwin’ high-wing “flying truck” of a trainer.

Way to go, PAULY!

CLICK to READ all about it… Pauly makes his solo flight!

See ALL the articles on our pages!

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The Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club!

Have fun with the Golden Eagles RC Club!

Have FUN flying with the Golden Eagles RC Club!

Model airplane and quad-copter flying IS fun! One of the main goals of our club is to keep the “fun!” in flying model aircraft of all types!

A big part of the model aircraft experience is the people you meet, the friends you make within in the hobby. The Golden Eagles RC Club of Kingman, AZ is all about the people!

The “Golden Eagles” is all about the people!

Make friends that may last a lifetime when you become a part of the Golden Eagles RC Club! This hobby is a marvel in the way it brings people of all ages and all backgrounds together. Yesterday, you had nothing in common… and today, you are talking about radios and servos, and 4000mah batteries… and never, before, have you had so much to say about the weather!

The Golden Eagles RC Club is strong in the Kingman community! ... offering Demo Flights and model airplane demonstrations to organizations interested in learning about the hobby.

The Golden Eagles RC Club believes in “Community”!

We don’t live in a vacuum. To make the club work we need the support of the community! The bylaws of the Golden Eagles RC Club are written so as to encourage the Club and its members to interact with the local community… we offer free Demo Flights to those who ask… we offer free RC flight training; all you have to do is ask and then participate in our Training program… We plan for demonstrations to be presented to the schools and local businesses interested in their own team-building through the hobby of RC aircraft. The Golden Eagles RC Club will be an active part of the Kingman area community.

Come out and FLY with the Kingman Golden Eagles RC Club!

The flying site is open to the club’s members 24/7/365! Whenever the weather is nice, you may see active RC modelers enjoying the field. We welcome visitors! If you see us out there, stop-in for a visit… chat with our members; we are proud of our club and happy to share about our hobby.

If you are new to RC flying, consider setting-up a Demo Flight or, maybe, just jump-in and sign-up for the Flight Training program!